Living the bucket list life

Hello, My bucket list friends ! When posting on social media I sometimes use the hashtag bucket list life but what does that really mean ? I thought it would be a good idea to take a further look at this and also to give all of you some suggestions on how to live the bucket list life on a average day .


Living the bucket list life


To me Living the bucket life life is more then just crossing items off your bucket list, It is an attitude or maybe even a life style . To me a bucket list is not just a list of things to do in your lifetime. It’s the idea that life is really meant to be lived to the fullest .Let’s face it all to often our lives become a retinue of the same things over and over again. We get stressed and grumpy and we often forget to take time to do the things that we really enjoy, the things that make us smile and help us to truly love life . So how do you live the bucket list life ? Simply put you take time for you and the people and things you love . It’s about trying to mix up your routine to keep life exciting ! Yes, I’ll be honest some days are not that great and that’s OK. Living the bucket list life is not a solution to all of life’s problems but it is a way to make life a little happier .  Below I’ve listed a few ways on how to live the bucket list life !

Try something new – Instead of getting the same thing for lunch try something new or wear clothes that you haven’t worn in a while mixing things up just a little bit will add a little bit of excitement to your day .

Do at least one thing you love everyday – It could be something as simple as watching a show you like or listening to your favorite playlist or setting some time aside for a hobby you enjoy like drawing or dancing . Taking time to do something you love will add a little boost of happiness to your day .

Day Dream – OK, I know it sounds a little silly but seriously instead of repeating your to-do list or thinking about all the bills you have to pay have a little fun with your thoughts ! Think about what you want to cross off your list next , your favorite memories , the best vacation you’ve even been on , or the trip you want to take next . Taking some time for positive thoughts will help to put you in a positive mood even if your not crossing an item off your list that day .


I hope you enjoyed reading my tips for living the bucket list life ! Have fun crossing off items everyone !

Rock On – Christina Epperly




My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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