Walt Disney Family museum

Hello, my bucket list friends! This past weekend I went on a fun day trip to the Walt Disney family museum in San Francisco. It was just the break I needed from work and school. I have been very busy this year and I was so blessed to have a weekend where I didn’t have to go to work or school it was the perfect opportunity for a day trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum.  After about an hour drive my mom and I arrived at the museum. Parking was easy to find and pay for, we parked in the lot right behind the museum. When we got inside the museum, we bought our tickets and walked around the lobby area looking at all the awards that Walt Disney had received. There were many cases of awards. After looking around the lobby area, we went to the gift shop and I got some cool souvenirs. Then it was time to enter the main area of the museum. The first room was all about Walt’s early life as we went through each of the rooms a new time in Walt’s life was showcased. I got more and more amazed with everything there was to see in each room. The originals drawings were wonderful it was so much fun to see early Mickey Mouse merchandise. The museum had Walt’s family pictures as well and items from the first Disney movies and cartoons. My favorite room was the Disneyland room, there was a model of Disneyland park it was breath taking! I hope that I get to go back to the museum some day because there is so much to see. After walking through the museum, we ate lunch at the café in the museum I really enjoyed the food. Overall I highly recommend this museum to any Disney fan. It was a perfect day to spend my day off from school.

Rock on – Christina Epperly

#215 get some Lisa Frank clothes

Hello, my bucket list friends! I’m very excited to tell all of you that I crossed off my first bucket list item of 2017. I can’t wait to tell you all about it so let’s get going.


Recently I add ten items to my bucket list and getting Lisa Frank clothes was one of them. I was born in 1990 so needless to say Lisa frank was a big part of my childhood but even as an adult I love Lisa Frank .When I saw that Rage On had Lisa frank clothes I really wanted to get some, I was low on money  I added it to my bucket list so I wouldn’t forget about it. Soon after I added number 215 to the list I started getting more hours at work and I could afford to get some of those colorful Lisa Frank clothes. I got two shirts and I love them both! They are so beautiful and colorful . I’m glad I crossed another item off my list and I can’t wait to cross off more list items.

Bucket List Survey number 2 – lists of 3

Hello my bucket list friends ! I hope you are all having a wonderful spring. I thought that it would be fun to answer some questions about my bucket list. I did one of these before you can read it HERE . This time all off the questions are answered in lists of three.

  1. Favorite three List items that I have crossed off so far –

Make a Disney bear at the downtown Disney build a bear , Go to Epcot  ,Get a small tattoo that means a lot .

  1. Three items I plan to cross off soon –

Finish an entire coloring book, get some Lisa Frank clothes , go paddle boarding

  1. Three items that I worry I will never cross of my list

Hug John Cena, learn fluent German, Run a marathon

  1. Three people that have helped me cross off list items

My mom, my dad, Amanda.

  1. three items other people may be surprised that I have on my list

Drive a Ferrari, drive a monster truck, attend a rave.


  1. Three travel items that I have not crossed off yet

Go to Las Vegas, go on a spontaneous road trip, fly first class

  1. Three travel items that I have crossed off

Go to Disney’s animal kingdom, Go to Disneyland at Christmas time, Go to the San Diego zoo

  1. three items that will probably not be crossed off for at least a few years

Move out on my own , volunteer at an animal shelter, Volunteer at a kids hospital

  1. Three items I’m scared to cross off

Get my driver’s license, make an important choice with a coin toss, Try standup comedy


  1. Three items I’m excited to cross off

Go to the mall of America, throw a dart at a map and travel to wherever it lands, be in a music video

Rock on – Christina Epperly