Summer bucket list 2021!!

Hello,my bucket list friends! I’ve decided to do a summer bucket list this year. For this list I thought of what the perfect summer would be like. Some of the things on this bucket list are more like wishes and probably won’t happen but you never really know what the future holds. Without anymore delay here is my summer bucket list for 2021!!

Summer bucket list 2021

1. Ride three carousels
2. Go swimming at least three times
3. Visit two different zoos
4. Have a mall day
5. Get another tattoo
6. See a movie in theaters
7. Buy flip flops at Old Navy
8. Have a sleepover
9. Cross five or more things off my regular bucket list
10. Go to a concert
11. Do a 5k

12. Find an item at the thrift store that I had when I was a kid.

13. Take a picture with a celebrity

14. Make a summer build a bear

15. Read five or more books

16.Make a no bake cake

17. Tie-dye

18. Go on a scavenger hunt

19. Go to yogurt land

20 draw a summer picture

There’s my summer bucket list ! Do you have a summer bucket list for this year?

An update on my succulents and a trip to the Dollar tree.

Hello,my bucket list friends! Before I get into my latest trip to the Dollar Tree I wanted to give you an update on my three succulents. First of all they have names now. I named them Hollywood, Malibu,and Beverly Hills.I decorated their home with some pretty glass rocks that I got at the Dollar Tree. I went to the Dollar Tree on Saturday to get those rocks but of course I found more than that. My favorite finds were a sign that says welcome summer,a button bag craft kit,a coloring book and a pair of socks that are decorated with pictures of ice cream and ice pops. I can’t wait to get more summer stuff the next time I’m at the Dollar Tree.

Friday’s Target haul and a Barbie color reveal doll

Hello, My bucket list friends! On Friday I went to the magical land of Target. The main thing I wanted to get there was those glittery bath bombs with the squishy surprises inside. I love those bath bombs so much. I got a glittery bear and a glittery ice cream cone plus two other bath bombs. In the Dollar section I got some super cute Disney rubber ducks and another water toy. I also got two Barbie dolls one of them being a Barbie color reveal doll. The other one has gorgeous multicolored hair in a beautiful rainbow skirt. When I got home I wanted to see what color reveal doll I got. I bought two dolls from that series before but they turned out to be the same doll. I was really hoping that I’d get a different one this time. Luckily I did! She has yellow hair and black and white clothing. I’m so happy to welcome her to my collection. I wonder what I will get next time I’m shopping at Target.

Rock on – Christina Epperly

Light heart bookclub pick May 2021

Hello, my bucket list friends! My bookclub posts seem to be getting later and later and this month is no different. Now it is finally time to announce May’s book club book! This month’s book is Real Beauty 101 ways to feel great about you by Therese Kauchak. This is a different kind of book than what I would normally pick for the light-heart book club. This is more of a self-help book however so far I’ve really enjoyed reading it and I think it’s going to be really great to discuss it on this blog. I can’t wait to finish reading it and discuss it with all of you.

Rock on – Christina Epperly

Virtual 5k bucket list #290

Hello, my bucket list friends! I’m excited to say that I’ve crossed another item off of my bucket list! I enjoy doing 5ks so I was excited to see what doing a virtual 5k would be like. I did my 5k through a website called virtual run. There are many different 5k themes to choose from. I chose the flamingo one because I loved the medal.Once I signed up for the 5k all I had to do was wait for my number and medal to arrive. One thing that I really like about virtual runs is that you can chose your own time and place. You don’t have to get up early or worry about the weather. For my 5k I chose a trail that I’m familiar with and enjoy walking on.I brought my medal and my number with me as I went on one of my favorite walks. I walked most of the way and finished in an hour and ten minutes. I was so happy to put the medal on when I finished. There are many cute medals to chose from I may just have to do another virtual run sometime!

Goodwill, Savers and an amazing find!

Hello, my bucket list friends! I’m excited to tell you about my latest thrift shopping adventures. Including one item that I’m very happy that I found. On Thursday I went on a quick trip to Goodwill. I I got some great items including a Melissa and Doug craft kit, a Barbie book that still had the stickers in it, and a set of Disney markers that came from the theme parks. I’m excited to use the Melissa and Doug craft kit that I got. I love the wooden heart-shaped beads. On Friday after work I went to Savers. When I walked over to the toy section I saw a large horse toy on the shelf. I wonder if it could be an American girl horse toy because it seemed large enough. I went over and looked at it and sure enough the tag on the leg said American girl. I was so excited! I love finding American Girl products but I was super excited to find this one. I think I’m going to do a photo shoot with my dolls and the horse. My other savers finds include some ’90s Beanie Babies, some Barbie dolls including one with a really awesome hair, a spin art kit, a set of Lisa Frank erasers,and a Christmas plate from the ’70s. I had a lot of fun at Savers and I spent more time there than I thought I did. I wonder what my next big thrift find will be.

Buying a Barbie color reveal doll on Poshmark

Hello, my bucket list friends! It’s official I’m obsessed with Barbie color reveal dolls! There are quite a few series of these dolls. Some of them were released before I started buying them. So I went on Poshmark and bought a doll from an older series. This was a weather series where each doll represents a different kind of weather. I got the rain doll. She came with a beautiful rainbow wig. I’m really happy with the doll I got. I wonder which doll I will reveal next.

Strawberry funnel cake Frappuccino review

Hello, my bucket list friends! It’s time for food review! When I heard about the new Strawberry funnel cake Frappuccino at Starbucks I new I just had to try it! I’m a huge strawberry fan so I was excited to try this strawberry treat. Before I get into my review I want to say that I did order this drink with almond milk instead of the default whole milk. When I first took a sip of this drink it tasted like a maple flavor. It took me a second to realize that flavor was funnel cake part of the drink. There was strawberry flavor through out the drink but the maple flavor was the strongest flavor that I tasted. I did enjoy this drink and I finished all of it. It was definitely worth trying but the Carmel Frappuccino is still my favorite!

Weekend highlights

Hello,my bucket list friends! This weekend was pretty great so I thought it would be fun to share it with all of you. I hope all of you had a great weekend as well!

Going to Target – Friday after work I went to Target. I got a lot of fun things including a small Barbie color reveal doll,a Barbie doll that came with a bathtub, shoe liners to wear with my Crocs, a My Little pony coloring book, bath bombs and two art kits.

Bath bombs – I used two bath bombs this weekend. One on Friday night and one on Sunday. The one I used Friday night was one of the ones that had gotten a Target that day. It was a little mermaid themed bath bomb and came with a cute pendent inside it. The bath bomb I used on Sunday was also from Target but I got it on a different shopping trip. It’s was an ice cream cone shaped bath bomb and it had a cute squishy toy hidden inside. This bath bomb was very similar to another bath bomb that I had gotten at Target before except for it was in the shape of a gummy bear.

Art ! – I did one of the art kits that I got at Target. It was make your own necklace kit where you painted a large butterfly. It came with three colors and it was very simple. I enjoyed this fun and quick project.

Succulents – I finally got around to planning the succulents that I already had. I put all three of them in one pot and I like the way they look. I hope this becomes a new hobby for me.

Celebrating mother’s Day – Sunday was mother’s Day and we went up to Napa to celebrate. We had a good lunch at a cute restaurant that had porch swings outside.

Walks – I was able to go on a couple walks this weekend. It’s amazing how something so simple can be so relaxing and enjoyable and healthy.

Thanks for reading

Rock on – Christina Epperly

Early May highlights

Hello, my bucket list friends! We have not been in May for very long but I already have somethings to talk about. I’m so excited that summer is just right around the corner! At the rate this month is going already Summer will be here before I know it! Anyways let’s get into this month’s highlights so far.

My cousin’s birthday party- On Sunday I had a wonderful time celebrating my amazing cousin’s birthday! We had breakfast,got our nails done, had massages and had cake!! It was a wonderful day!

Teacher appreciation week-this week is teacher appreciation week. It has been really awesome! The school that I work for did a really great job of making me feel appreciated this week. I loved getting small surprises each day at work.

Succulents- I got three succulents. And I can’t wait to plant them when I do I’ll be sure to blog about it!

More Barbie color reveal – On the last day of April I got two more Barbie color reveal dolls at Target. On the first day of May I revealed them. However I did get my first double meaning I already had revealed that same doll before. but the other doll was one that I had been wanting. So it all worked out.

Crocs – I got my first pair of Crocs and I love them! They are so comfortable!

Rock on – Christina Epperly