Bucket list #212 finish a 10k

Hello,my bucket list friends ! As you can tell from the title of this post I just crossed another item off my bucket list and I’m very excited to tell all of you about it ! Here we go!



Bucket list #212 finish a 10k

I’ve done many 5k races and even the Disneyland half marathon ( You can read about it HERE)  but I had never done a 10k until yesterday. When I decided to do a 10k this year I looked for a race that was close in driving distance,gave out medals at the end and was held on day that I had off. After a little bit of looking I found a race that fit all of my requirements, the SV 10k . The day before the race my mom and I went and picked up our race numbers. I had done a race in the same area before and it started near the park where we picked up our numbers so I thought that’s where this race was going to begin well I was wrong. It was ending at the park I was so confused when we got there but we just followed everyone else and made it to the start on time. Our plan was to walk most of the way and that’s what we did but we also did some short jogging bursts and that helped to improve our time . We were thinking that it would take us around two hours but because of our little jogging bursts we finished in one hour and forty three minutes ! The race  course was pretty awesome we went past some pretty gardens and there were dogs and the beginning of the race !  I was so happy to cross off another item off my list  and I love the medal that they gave out at the end !  It was a fun morning and I’m so glad I got to participate in it !

Rock on ! – Christina Epperly








The Bucket List orange

Hello, my bucket list friends back in 2015 I planted a tree to cross it off my bucket list . ( you can read about it HERE ) It wasn’t just any tree that I planted it  was an orange tree ! Well today I finally ate the first orange from that tree and I’m excited to tell you all about it ! Here we go !



The Bucket List orange


There has been one orange on my bucket list tree for a while. I’ve been waiting for the right time to eat it and today was the day. I simply went over to my tree and gently picked it and when I did a bunch of orange blossoms fell of the tree like confetti. It was like the tree was celebrating me picking the orange. The Orange was imperfect it had some spots but it was from my bucket list tree and that was perfect enough for me. Even though the Orange had been on the tree for a while it still tasted great !   I can’t wait to see if my bucket list tree grows anymore oranges !

Rock on ! – Christina Epperly

My little pony bracelet kit

Hello, my bucket list friends ! Today, I went to a toy store and I got a super cute My Little pony bracelet kit. I can’t wait tell you more about this super cute kit so let’s get to it !



My little pony bracelet kit

I love being creative and I also love My Little Pony so when I saw this bracelet kit in a toy store today, I knew I would have a lot of fun with it. When I got home I had a fun time putting the letters and charms on the bracelets ! I put on two of the bracelets and I wore them when I went out again later today. I love the way that they look plus I can change the charms anytime I want to !  I’m really glad I got this bracelet kit !

Rock On – Christina Epperly




Spring cleaning 2019

Hello, my bucket list friends ! I just did a big springtime clean out and I’m excited to tell you all about it ! Here we go !


Spring cleaning 2019

I’t’s no secret that I love to shop and collect things but every once in a while it’s good to go through things and donate the things that you don’t want anymore. I probably don’t clean out as much as I should but out of the blue I got this strange urge to go through my books and donate the ones I didn’t want anymore. I took all my books and notebooks down from my closet and I went through them. I found many books that I had started reading and lost interest in so I donated them and hopped that someone who really wanted to read them would get them. After going through my books I began to go through other items. Last year I bought these huge boxes of My Little Pony toys from Ebay. ( You can read about it HERE) I did get a lot of cool toys from those boxes but I also doubles or even more of the same toy. There were also other toys that had been damaged from being played with . I went through the ponies and I donated the ones that I didn’t want to keep. I also went through my clothes and I got rid of things that didn’t fit me anymore as well as things I just didn’t enjoy wearing. I was on a roll I went though pretty much every area of my room donating things that I thought that other people would enjoy more then me. While I was cleaning I looked up at my DVD’s and I saw a movie that I really didn’t like anymore so with out hesitation I put it in the donation bag. It felt great to get rid of things that I didn’t want anymore. Doing a big clean out had a positive impact on my mental health. Things didn’t feel as out of control as before plus I knew I was going to being helping others by donating my items. Now, don’t get me wrong I still love to shop and collect but I also love to clean out and help others.

Rock on – Christina Epperly


Fun with Yay Maker !

Hello , my bucket list friends ! Yesterday, my friend and I did a paint night by Yay Maker. for those of  you don’t know what a paint night or Yay maker is let me tell you. It’s basically an art class where everyone is making the same painting. An instructor leads the group in a step by painting class. It was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to tell you more ! Let’s get going !


Fun with Yay Maker !

My friend and I signed up for this class a while ago but when yesterday finally came, I thought we were going to miss it . There were two accidents on the highway and that made traffic awful ! I was so upset because I knew we were going to be late and I wasn’t sure if they would let us join the class but they did ! The only thing that happened because we were late is that we didn’t get to sit together but that was ok because our paintings were a surprise to each other ! Once I sat down it only took a little while for me to catch up to the rest of the class. The hardest part for me was getting the turtles head to look how it was supposed to. It was also ok if you didn’t follow the directions exactly. In the original painting the turtle had a big flower on it’s back but I ended up doing something different and it turned out really cool . There were also other people in the class including my friend who did something different with the design on the turtle’s back. Once I got over the stress of being late, I had a lot of fun letting my creativity flow !  It was cool to look around and other peoples creativity as well ! Overall it was a fun experience and I recommend doing it of you get a chance.



Things I love March 2019

Hello, My bucket list friends ! I know I’m late with this post but time has been going by so fast ! Anyways , enjoy reading !




Things I love March 2019

TV show Buddy VS. Duff –  I love this show ! It’s a baking competition between two very famous bakers. It’s an exciting thrill ride of a contest between the cake boss and the ace of cakes. It’s awesome to watch two very talented bakers go head to head ! I highly recommend adding this show to your watch list !

My little Pony Ultimate Equestria collection – I wrote a blog post about how awesome this item is ( you can read it HERE )


Yogurt land –  OK, so I’m not new to how amazing yogurt land is but I went three times in March ! They also now offer vanilla and chocolate ice cream !  I haven’t tried the chocolate but I can tell you that the vanilla is amazing !


Starbucks Cherry Mocha – this yummy drink made me feel like I was  drinking chocolate covered cherries! ( You can read my review HERE)




Rock On – Christina Epperly





Dumbo 2019 Movie review ( Spoiler Free)

Hello, my bucket list friends on Monday night I got to go see the remake of the movie Dumbo. I’m huge Disney fan and the previews for this remake looked really good. I was excited to see it and I’m so glad I did!




Dumbo 2019 Movie review ( Spoiler Free)


First Things first week days night are a great time to go see movies. We went to a nice theater where you have assigned seats and reclining chairs.  We went on Monday so it was not busy at all! There was no line for popcorn or the bathroom and it was just really nice not to be packed in with a bunch of other people. Now, let’s get to the movie ! The last time I watch the original Dumbo movie was probably sometime in the 90’s so I remember parts of it but not the whole thing but I do know that there was a cute new spin on my favorite scene from original movie. Hint it’s the scene with bubbles ! The main difference I noticed about the new movie is that there was a lot more focus on the circus performers and their lives and interactions with Dumbo instead of just focusing on Dumbo’s story. The actors in this movie were amazing everyone worked really well together . Of Course the CGI was mind blowing as well. It was hard to tell sometimes what was CGI and what wasn’t. The story was told very well and I really liked the well rounded plot and the flow of the story . The movie had a great overall pacing ,there were no lagging moments. It was a great adventure story and I recommend going to see it !

Rock on ! – Christina Epperly