Idaho summer vacation part 3

Hello, my bucket list friends! In this post we continue on with my Idaho adventure. Get ready for lots of animals and more thrift shopping! Here we go!


Idaho summer vacation part 3

On this day of my vacation we went to visit family and they live on a farm! I love animals and that day I got to see all kinds including horses, goats and some really big dogs! I get happy when I’m around animals and most of the time they are happy to be around me too. The goats were very friendly and funny.  When we left their stall They didn’t want us to leave without them. I have met  the goats before but it was just as exciting to see them this time. I also really like the mini horse Jazz he is such a sweetheart! After visiting with the animals we went to lunch at a very yummy cafe. There was a thrift store in the shopping center where the cafe is. After we ate we all went on a thrift shopping adventure. Some of my favorite finds from that thrift trip are a Photo album with hearts on the cover, Lisa Frank party favors and a Christmas craft kit. After lunch and shopping  we went back to the farm. My mom and I had a really fun time kayaking on the pond. The pond was filled with bullfrogs and their tadpoles I enjoyed looking at them while I was in the kayak. I found kayaking to be very relaxing. I would love to do it again sometime. That concludes part 3 of my summer 2020 Idaho adventure. There is one more part to come before I wrap up this adventure!

Rock On – Christina Epperly



My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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