Travel and Adventure show 2024

Hello, my bucket list, friends! On Saturday I went to the travel and adventure show. It was at a local convention center that I had never been to before. I was excited to go to an event that I had never been to before. However, I was most excited to see Phil Keoghan, who is the host of The Amazing Race. The Amazing Race is one of my favorite TV shows. When my mom and I arrived at the show, we went to where Phil would be speaking. I was happy that we got seats with a good view. It was so cool to be that close to someone that I had seen on TV for years! When his amazing speech was over. The audience got a chance to ask questions. If you asked a question, you got two free shirts. Of course, I had to ask a question. I was not sure what I was gonna ask at first. I had come up with a question in my head while I was waiting for my turn. However, when I got up to the microphone, I decided to ask another question. You can see the video of me asking my question on my Instagram (summerrockstar) or on X (mallstar). The question that I ended up asking was, “What is an item on your bucket list that you have not crossed off yet that you are looking forward to?” Phil said that he wanted to go to space, but he went into detail about how he would say it for the Amazing Race. It was great! After seeing Phil, my mom and I explored the rest of the travel show. There was so much to see. There were many booths. I got so much free stuff, including pens, stickers, and a candle. I also got to learn about places that I had not thought about going to before. Another thing I did was that I got to met some very cute dogs that help to protect our agriculture. If you get a chance to go to a travel show, I highly recommend going.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend ! Love – Christina Epperly

My little sticker book

Hello, my bucket list, friends! On Saturday before work, I bought this sticker set that I had been thinking about getting for a while now. I also bought a mini notebook. I started putting my favorite stickers from the sticker set in the notebook. I had fun making sticker pictures in my new mini notebook. I have not completed my little sticker book yet, but I wanted to share some of the pages with you! I hope this inspires you to be creative!

Love, Christina Epperly

Snackles toy review

Hello, my bucket list, friends! It is time for another product review. I had never heard of Snackles before until I saw them at my work. I thought it was interesting that each plush animal comes with a different brand of snack. I love the two plushies that I got. One is an elephant, and the other one is an axolotl. I love how they are both holding their snacks! They also come with a little book. I really like Snackles, and I want to get another one soon! If you’re looking for something fun to collect, Snackles should be something you consider! Oh, and the plushies are super soft!

Thanks for reading this toy review – Christina Epperly

Weekend highlights

Hello,my bucket list friends! This weekend was pretty great so I thought it would be fun to share it with all of you. I hope all of you had a great weekend as well!

Going to Target – Friday after work I went to Target. I got a lot of fun things including a small Barbie color reveal doll,a Barbie doll that came with a bathtub, shoe liners to wear with my Crocs, a My Little pony coloring book, bath bombs and two art kits.

Bath bombs – I used two bath bombs this weekend. One on Friday night and one on Sunday. The one I used Friday night was one of the ones that had gotten a Target that day. It was a little mermaid themed bath bomb and came with a cute pendent inside it. The bath bomb I used on Sunday was also from Target but I got it on a different shopping trip. It’s was an ice cream cone shaped bath bomb and it had a cute squishy toy hidden inside. This bath bomb was very similar to another bath bomb that I had gotten at Target before except for it was in the shape of a gummy bear.

Art ! – I did one of the art kits that I got at Target. It was make your own necklace kit where you painted a large butterfly. It came with three colors and it was very simple. I enjoyed this fun and quick project.

Succulents – I finally got around to planning the succulents that I already had. I put all three of them in one pot and I like the way they look. I hope this becomes a new hobby for me.

Celebrating mother’s Day – Sunday was mother’s Day and we went up to Napa to celebrate. We had a good lunch at a cute restaurant that had porch swings outside.

Walks – I was able to go on a couple walks this weekend. It’s amazing how something so simple can be so relaxing and enjoyable and healthy.

Thanks for reading

Rock on – Christina Epperly

Peppermint popcorn?!?!!?

Hello, my bucket list friends! Yesterday I went to Whole Foods on my lunch break and I saw something I just had to try, white chocolate peppermint popcorn! This fun flavor is made by Skinny Pop. I Love peppermint. I also love trying new peppermint flavored snacks. So without any more delay let’s dive on in!

When I first opened the bag ,the popcorn looked normal but upon closer inspection. I did notice little red spots on the popcorn. As for the taste I’m just gonna say it ,I love this popcorn! It has a perfect salty sweet taste. It has the right amount of peppermint without being overpowering. As you can probably guess I do recommend trying this snack.

Rock On – Christina Epperly

Idaho summer vacation part 3

Hello, my bucket list friends! In this post we continue on with my Idaho adventure. Get ready for lots of animals and more thrift shopping! Here we go!


Idaho summer vacation part 3

On this day of my vacation we went to visit family and they live on a farm! I love animals and that day I got to see all kinds including horses, goats and some really big dogs! I get happy when I’m around animals and most of the time they are happy to be around me too. The goats were very friendly and funny.  When we left their stall They didn’t want us to leave without them. I have met  the goats before but it was just as exciting to see them this time. I also really like the mini horse Jazz he is such a sweetheart! After visiting with the animals we went to lunch at a very yummy cafe. There was a thrift store in the shopping center where the cafe is. After we ate we all went on a thrift shopping adventure. Some of my favorite finds from that thrift trip are a Photo album with hearts on the cover, Lisa Frank party favors and a Christmas craft kit. After lunch and shopping  we went back to the farm. My mom and I had a really fun time kayaking on the pond. The pond was filled with bullfrogs and their tadpoles I enjoyed looking at them while I was in the kayak. I found kayaking to be very relaxing. I would love to do it again sometime. That concludes part 3 of my summer 2020 Idaho adventure. There is one more part to come before I wrap up this adventure!

Rock On – Christina Epperly


A walk on the beach

Hello,my bucket list friends ! I live pretty close to the beach but I don’t go a lot anymore but this week I got to go. I went on a beach walk with my mom and my friend. It felt good to be back at the beach it had been a long time since I had last gone. I felt so free as I ran in the water.  The water was actually surprisingly warm it’s usually very cold. I enjoyed seeing the sand castles that had been built. Also the beach we were at is a dog friendly beach. I loved seeing all the dogs running around and having a good time. Just like that dogs I saw, I had a really great time at the beach ! I hope to go over there more this summer !

Rock On – Christina Epperly


Grow animals !

Hello,my bucket list friends ! Recently In another post ( you can read it HERE) I mentioned that I got a sloth grow toy at Target well I also got a dinosaur grow toy at CVS. I can’t wait to tell you more about both of the grow toys so here we go !


Grow animals !

Let’s start with the dinosaur. This grow toy came in a plastic egg filled with slime. I took the dinosaur out of the egg and put it in a cup water. This grow animal was very simple and worked like other grow animals I have seen. In just a day or so my little dinosaur had grown many times it’s size! It was fun to see how big the dinosaur got. Now, on to the sloth. The sloth was different from the dinosaur because you couldn’t even see the sloth at first it was hiding in a tree stump.You put the tree stump in the water so the sloth would grow out of it. On the box it said that it would take the sloth a few days to come out. I left the sloth in there for probably over a week maybe even longer before I broke the stump open and got the pretty big sloth out. I could see the stump breaking more and more as time went on. I thought it’s head was gonna pop up like the picture on the box showed but it was the back of it’s head that popped up instead. When I took The sloth out of the tree stump I was so happy to see how cute it was!   Overall I liked both of these grow toys and I would like to try other grow toys sometime.

Rock On – Christina Epperly


300 list items !!

Hello, my bucket list friends! The other day I was doing what bucket listers do .. looking at my bucket list !  I noticed that I had 240 items on my list. I thought it would be nice to bring that number to an even 300 so that’s what I did! It was fun brainstorming new items and after a while I finally got to 300 items ! Below are my new list items. Happy bucket listing !


300 list items !!

241. Be an extra on a TV show

242. Visit Carhenge

243. Visit Wild Blueberry land

244. Go to a blow dry bar

245. go to the Goodwill outlets aka the bins

246. visit Sliver Dollar city

247. Explore Fort Wilderness at Walt Disney world

248.  Go to New Orleans

249. Go to Boston

250.Go to Chicago

251. Get a tattoo of Blanca

252. Visit Dollywood

253. Take a bus tour of Hollywood

254. Stay at a house in Beverly Hills

255. Write 20 short stories and post them online

256. Take a drawing class

257 Read 50 books in one year

258. Host a party in my own place

259. Work at a thrift store

260. Swim in a infinity pool

261. Sleep in a tree house

262.Go to Sandcastle water park

263. Visit Shoot for the Stars mini golf

264. Go on a tour at Hammond’s candies factory

265. Visit the PEZ factory

266. Be in the opening credits of a TV show

267.  Do a guest post on someone’s blog

268. Host a guest post on my blog

269. Go to Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach CA.

270. Visit Zion national park

271. Be fluent in three languages

272 . Eat at the Amy’s drive through restaurant

273. plant a palm tree

274. Play mini golf at Disney World

275. Go on a tour of Warner Brothers studios

276. Visit the Griffith Observatory

277.  Visit the Getty Center

278. Visit in Bronx Zoo

279. Record a song

280. Get a Lisa Frank tattoo

281. Visit Hearst castle

283. Visit the Exploratorium

284. Go on a moth long vacation

285. Visit  Chihuly Garden and Glass

286. Go shopping on black Friday

287. Go on a Vegan Picnic

288. Go to a drive in movie

289. Go to Disney World on my birthday

290. Do a virtual 5k

291.Visit the Museum of the Bible

292. Visit the Denver art museum

293. Visit Salvation Mountain

294. Go shopping at the Gilroy Outlets

295. Take a typing test

296.  Give a motivational speech to a crowd of a thousand or more

297.  Go to three playgrounds in one day

298. Own a carousel ride

299. Make my own craft kit

300. Have a thousand or more blog followers

Rock on – Christina Epperly










Light Heart Book club April 2020

Hello, my bucket list friends and welcome to the first official light Heart book club discussion !  ( You can learn more about the book club HERE )  This month’s book is an American Girl book titled Lanie by Jane Kurtz . I really enjoyed reading this book and I came up with a few questions to help us discuss this book. Feel free to answer the questions in the comments! One more thing before we get into our discussion, The following contains major plot points ( Spoilers ) in the book . If you want to read the book and haven’t yet, I suggest you wait to read this post until you have finished the book.  Now, let’s dive into our discussion.


Who in the book did I relate to the most ? This book is full of some great characters but the main charter Lanie is who I related to the most. Lanie has a passion for nature and all things outdoors. Her best friend Dakota also shares this passion with her but during the book Dakota is off on her own adventure on the other side of the world. Lanie’s family  has what she refers to as inside genes meaning they do not love the great outdoors the way she does. I could relate to Lanie’s frustration as she struggled to share her passion with others.  I think at one time or another most people have been disappointed when their excitement about a topic they are passionate isn’t shared by the others around them. I loved how Lanie did her own camp out in her yard. Sometimes you have to explore your passions on your own. This part of the book was a good reminder of that.


What was my favorite moment in the book ? I loved the part of the book when Lanie took her pet rabbit Lu Lu out for a walk. It was funny to hear about her neighbors reactions to seeing her walk her rabbit down the street.


what was my least favorite moment in the book ? – My least favorite moment in the book was when Lannie’s aunt left unexpectedly overnight due to a last minute job offer. Lanie was very excited when she found out that her nature loving aunt was coming to stay with them. Lanie and her aunt both have what Lanie calls outside genes. Lanie loved having her aunt around they even started planting a garden together. I could feel Lanie’s disappointment when she woke up and discovered that her aunt had left.


What did I think for the book overall – I really enjoyed reading this fun and light hearted book! Another one of my favorite parts was at the end of the book when Lanie and her younger sister Emily went bird watching. Throughout the book Emily had shown some interest in the outdoors but she struggled with a fear of bugs. I loved reading about their outdoor adventure together.

Actives to go with the book

The art activity I chose to go with this book was painting a garden rock. It’s a very simple art project . All you need is some paint and a rock. I used an art kit that I got from the Dollar Tree . The rock that came in the kit had the shape of a carrot outlined onto it.I had fun painting the rock and adding some glitter that came with the kit onto the carrot. I think Lanie would love to have a rock like this in her garden.

Another fun activity that you can do with this book is an outdoor scavenger hunt. You can find plenty of scavenger hunt lists online or you can come up with your own.

Recommended reading – There is another book about Lanie called Lanie’s real adventures I’ve already started reading it. If you enjoyed Lanie’s first book I recommend taking a look at her second book.

There you have it the first discussion in the light heart book club ! I’m so excited to chose the next book and discuss it with all of you ! Rock On – Christina Epperly