Aladdin 2019 movie review ( spoiler free)

Hello, my bucket list friends ! This huge Disney fan (me) just saw the Aladdin live action remake on Sunday. If you haven’t seen it yet no worries because this review is free from spoilers ! Let’s get to it !


Aladdin 2019 movie review ( spoiler free)

When I saw the previews for the new Aladdin movie I knew I just had to see it. It looked like a very fun and attention grabbing movie and it was. The live action version kept all the songs and charters that I loved about the original movie but it added more to it! I really loved one of the new songs! This movie was full of the magic that you would expect from Disney. The changes that were made from the original worked well and it didn’t seemed forced. Overall I really enjoyed The live action version of Aladdin and I highly recommend going to see it !

Rock on- Christina Epperly


My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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