Thrift shopping is awesome !

Hello, my bucket list friends ! As a lot of you probably know I love thrift shopping and I’ve been doing a good amount of it lately. I thought that it would be a good idea to write about why I love it so much . Here we go !


Thrift shopping is awesome !

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about thrift shopping is the excitement. When you walk into a thrift store you never know what you are going to find. Yes, it’s true that there have been sometimes when I have not found anything that I was really excited about on a thrift trip. On the other hand There have been times when I have walked away with lots of treasures ! Lately I’ve have some really good finds such as American Girl books , craft kits, Disney items , and more ! There is something truly special about the feeling you get when you find a really awesome item! The next thing I think about when I think of thrift shopping is the nostalgia of finding items that remind me of my childhood and even finding things that I had years ago. It is also a really awesome feeling when I find one of those nostalgic items. A well know benefit of thrift shopping is saving money! I have found some amazing deals ,I have also found things that I thought were priced on the high side. Overall I have been happy with the prices. If your looking to save money you should consider giving thrift shopping a try. When I go thrift shopping it feels like i’m going on a adventure. I love going thrift shopping with other people. I get excited for them when they find something that they are really excited about.  I can’t wait for my next thrift shopping trip !What are your favorite things about thrift shopping? Rock On – Christina Epperly



My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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