Bucket list # 218 get acupuncture

Hello, my bucket list friends ! I crossed another item off my bucket list and I can’t wait to tell you about it so here we go !

Bucket list # 218 get acupuncture

Sometimes I talk to other people about the items on my list and when I mentioned this item it turned out I was not the only one who wanted to give acupuncture a try. For this bucket list adventure I was joined by my sister and my cousin. We started off the day with an awesome breakfast at Black Bear diner. After that we went to a mall for a bit then it was time for our acupuncture appointments.  Since there was only one doctor working at the health center that day ,our appointments were all a half hour apart.  When it was my turn I walked from the waiting room to an area that was just behind the wall that separated the waiting room from the treatment rooms. I sat down at a table across from the doctor and I told her about my shoulder pain ,after asking me some questions about my medical history and taking my vital signs it was time to go to one of the treatment rooms and begin my acupuncture experience. The health center we were at also does massage so it was no surprise that that treatment room looked just like a room at a massage clinic. When it came time to put the needles in I was nervous .I knew the doctor could tell I was nervous because she told me to relax. I did my best to relax my muscles and before I knew it the needles started going into my shoulders and the surrounding area some of the needles I barley felt as they went in some of them pinched a little bit when they went in. After just a little while all the needles were in. The doctor left the room and told me she would be back in 30 mins. As I laid there in the room I felt very relaxed I was close to falling a sleep at certain points. It was more relaxing then I thought it would be. Before I knew it the doctor was back to remove the needles. After the treatment my shoulder felt better. I enjoyed this experience and I hope to do acupuncture on my knee sometime.

Rock on – Chrsitna Epperly


My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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