Waterloo Summer berry flavor review

Hello, my bucket list friends ! I love drinking sparkling water and Waterloo is one of my favorite brands. when I was in Whole Foods I saw that they had a new Summer Berry flavor and I just had to try it! So without further delay let’s get into the review!


Waterloo Summer berry flavor review

I have to start out by saying that I love the name of this flavor. Summer is my favorite time of year and I love food and drinks that are fruit flavored. When I first took a sip of this drink it reminded me off a vitamin C powder that I have tasted before. I wasn’t a huge fan of the new flavor at first to be honest with you but it grew on me after a while. The Cherry and strawberry Waterloos are still my favorites but I would still recommend giving this flavor a try it may just become your favorite flavor.

Rock On – Christina Epperly



My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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