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Sour Patch Kids Coal review. Another Sour Patch adventure!


Hello, my bucket list friends! It is time for another Sour Patch review! ( You can see my review of Sour Patch Kids popcorn HERE) I bought this product on Tuesday at a candy store near my work. I had some time before my shift started so I stopped by the candy store then I went to get coffee after that but that’s not really important to this post so back to the candy store. I loved seeing all the Christmas candy that was available. When I saw that they had Sour Patch Kids Coal I decided to try it. I had seen photos of Sour Patch Kids Coal but I had not tried it myself. I decided to buy it along with some other things. When it was time to try the candy I was curious what shape they would be. Would they be flat or round. Well it turns out the were kind of gumdrop shaped. Meaning they had a flat bottom and a round top. However they were not as tall as gumdrops are. As for the taste these candies are definitely sour candies. I mean they really pack a punch! Usually when I eat candy I eat one after another and before I know it I’ve emptied the whole container. I know that’s not a good thing but that’s how it usually happens lol. With this candy I didn’t do that because after a while my tongue started hurting. There are some sour candies that make your tongue hurt and some that don’t do that as much. However this candy is really powerful when it comes to the sourness. These candies have a black raspberry flavor. The flavor was good but the sour was overpowering at times. If you love sour I recommend trying this candy.

Thanks for reading!

Rock On- Christina Epperly

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