Don’t let the rain keep you from the park!

Hello, my bucket list friends! It’s not raining today but for the past two days it has been. Also for the past two days I have gone for a walk in the park. Oftentimes I let the rain keep me from going outside. However lately I’ve come to the realization that as long as it’s safe to go outside meaning no lightning ,high winds or other unsafe conditions, Going outside in the rain can be just as fun as going out in the sun. One major benefit of going out when it’s raining is that outdoor spaces are a lot less crowded and I’ve learned that walking in the rain is just as relaxing as walking in the sun as long as it’s not raining too hard that is .

Rock On – Christina Epperly


My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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