Wooden bird house picture painting

Hello, my bucket list friends. I recently completed another craft kit that I had in my room. It was a very cute wooden picture of a bird house with birds that you paint. With out further delay let’s dive on in !



Wooden bird house picture painting

I was looking at my arts and craft supplies when I found this kit that I got from the Dollar Tree. One thing I loved about it was that the picture of the birds and the bird house was printed on wood and not paper. This kit came with the wooden picture , paints, a paint brush and a string to hang up your picture with. When I was painting I didn’t really care that much that the colors were mixing. I enjoying  painting so much that sometimes I don’t focus on the results. Instead of painting the whole bird house I decided to cover it with dots! I like making dots when I paint. When I was done painting I hung the picture up in my room. I did enjoy this craft kit and I would like to do more kits like this.

Rock On – Christina Epperly


My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

5 thoughts on “Wooden bird house picture painting

  1. This looks so neat and cute! I’ve been meaning to get stuck into a good craft kit lately and you’ve got me even more excited to do it! ✨ Great post! 💕

  2. Your birds remind me of the bird from Twitter! Today I was was on Canva and got into that “flow state” that you talk about – where I forget about the world and get really into the project that I’m working on.

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