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Spring cleaning 2019


Hello, my bucket list friends ! I just did a big springtime clean out and I’m excited to tell you all about it ! Here we go !


Spring cleaning 2019

I’t’s no secret that I love to shop and collect things but every once in a while it’s good to go through things and donate the things that you don’t want anymore. I probably don’t clean out as much as I should but out of the blue I got this strange urge to go through my books and donate the ones I didn’t want anymore. I took all my books and notebooks down from my closet and I went through them. I found many books that I had started reading and lost interest in so I donated them and hopped that someone who really wanted to read them would get them. After going through my books I began to go through other items. Last year I bought these huge boxes of My Little Pony toys from Ebay. ( You can read about it HERE) I did get a lot of cool toys from those boxes but I also doubles or even more of the same toy. There were also other toys that had been damaged from being played with . I went through the ponies and I donated the ones that I didn’t want to keep. I also went through my clothes and I got rid of things that didn’t fit me anymore as well as things I just didn’t enjoy wearing. I was on a roll I went though pretty much every area of my room donating things that I thought that other people would enjoy more then me. While I was cleaning I looked up at my DVD’s and I saw a movie that I really didn’t like anymore so with out hesitation I put it in the donation bag. It felt great to get rid of things that I didn’t want anymore. Doing a big clean out had a positive impact on my mental health. Things didn’t feel as out of control as before plus I knew I was going to being helping others by donating my items. Now, don’t get me wrong I still love to shop and collect but I also love to clean out and help others.

Rock on – Christina Epperly


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