3 years of blogging !

Hello, my bucket list friends it’s May 29th and that makes it the third anniversary of when I first posted to this blog ! Whenever I get asked what my hobbies are blogging is the first thing that comes to mind . I love writing this blog ,It has really helped me to discover my passion for writing and I hope to publish a book or even books someday . It has been amazing getting to share my bucket list adventures and more with the world ! I remember on my first blogging anniversary I said that I was going to follow the list of traditional anniversary gifts . Well I only ended up doing that for the first year . Last year I was in school and this year I’ve been so busy with my two jobs , my three cats , spending time with family and friends and of course going on some great adventures . That I decided not to do the yearly gift to myself  but really this blog is a gift all its own . It has allowed me to share my stories and dreams with the world . I’m  very proud of this blog and I can’t wait to share more of my adventures with everyone !

Rock on – Christina Epperly


My crazy dream is to cross everything off my bucket list ! Follow my blog to read about my bucket list adventures , travel , everyday life and other fun things !

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